Background Editing for PureSlider Currently Locked

Section must be unlocked to edit the background image above. Unlocking the background editing will hide any content you dragged and dropped, and let you add/change/remove the background image for each slide. This black section is a helper section and is only visible in the Weebly editor. This black section will not show on your live published website.

The College Gurl Foundation’s (CGF) is a non-profit 501c3 organization based in Washington, D.C. that is provides minority underserved students from the Washington Metropolitan area the tools they need for their toolbox for success! Our program represents the dreams and desires of underserved minority students and allow them to see life beyond their zip code. CGF supports students aspirations and provide a roadmap to SUCCESS! 
CGF is a life-changing program that is creating social change and breaking generational cycles.